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Adaptable wastewater treatment systems 

The HiPAF® packaged sewage treatment plant is an ideal solution for rural and remote areas where mains drainage is unavailable. 

  • Compact HPC (1 upto 60 population equivalent)
  • Midi and Modular (60 upto 2000 population equivalent)


  • Domestic & commercial sewage
  • Utilities and municipal wastewater  
  • Ideal for environmentally-sensitive areas
  • Animal waste

Meeting the precise needs of clients

Serving up to 2000PE  population equivalent (PE) the HiPAF sewage treatment systems is adapted to meet your specific needs, backed by continued dedicated technical support:

  • Custom design available based on site specific challenges
  • Upfront consultation to understand the specific needs of the project 
  • Dedicated technical support throughout the whole life of the project 
  • Meeting EA standards even at Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) 
  • Collaborating with the client to deliver cost-efficient treatment for the whole life of the plant 
  • Hire equipment to keep sites operational and within consent

Product highlights

  • Process guarantee for the lifetime of the plant
    - Minimum of 25 years design life*

  • Energy saving timer as standard or can be retrofitted into an existing HiPAF®

  • Low operator maintenance

  • Manages variable flows and loads
    - Ideal for seasonal venues such as hotels, caravan parks and cafés. 

  • Compact & modular design options - to overcome site access and footprint restrictions

  • Scalable solutions to accommodate growing populations

*process guarantee is subject to correct installation, consistent influent conditions and regular plant maintenance as per the manufacturers’ instructions.


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Effluent quality

The HiPAF® range can typically attain: BOD 10mg/l: SS 10mg/l: Ammonia Nitrogen 2mg/l (with tertiary treatment), however higher NH 4-N and BOD 5 removal is achievable.

  • Phosphate removal is available with additional process technology design including chemical dosing

  • Animal waste - the HiPAF system combined with a sand filter and RADS is an ideal solution for animal centres 

Footprint and energy

  •  Up to 65% energy saving
    - built in energy saving timer for the blower(s), based on site specification
  • 30% smaller footprint size
  • Patented WCSEE Hybrid™ process treatment technology (within the biozone) has a smaller footprint size to comparable SAF technologies

Low maintenance

  • No odours due to a separate primary tank

  • No internal mechanical or electrical moving parts within the tank

  • Easier tankering - primary sludge and humus are stored together

  • Emptying of the tank not required during routine maintenance 

  • Midi and Modular - rectangular tank shape reduces dead zones 


  • Compact HPC CE marked to BS EN 12566-3 - ideal for a Site of Special Scientifiic Interest (SSSI)

  • Midi and Modular designed to BS EN 12255-1/15 and manufactured using BS 4994 as a guide

  • British Water’s Code of Practice - Flows & Loads

  • UK Building Regulations

  • Environmental Agency guidelines

Design and manufacture

  • Below ground installation do not interrupt the landscape views 

  • Above ground installation – custom designed options 

  • GSM telemetry available for remote monitoring of the plant

  • Midi and Modular lids

    • Commercial applications - lockable large gas strut lids  

    • Water utility applications - MK3 lids with protective grate

  • Glass reinforced plastic (GRP) is UV stabilised with an external gel coat finish

  • UK manufacture in a quality controlled environment

Compact HiPAF® HPC (1 up to 60 PE)

HPC Image 800px



  • Domestic homes
  • Small business
  • Ideal for environmentally-sensitive areas

Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)

Compliant to BS EN 12566-3

The compact HiPAF® HPC uses no chemicals during the treatment process and is ideal for locations which need extra consideration such as a burn, nature reserve, fisheries, salmon river or close proximity to water extraction (well).

The HiPAF® is also specified by the highly regulated UK water utilities and meets stringent European environmental discharge consent standards. 





Warranty 25 years on the tank and standard air blower (housed in the kiosk) 2 years subject to correct installation, consistent influent conditions and regular plant maintenance as per the manufacturers’ instructions.

How the process works

Each HiPAF® treatment plant includes a three-stage process – primary settlement, biological treatment (WCSEE Hybird™ biozone) and final settlement.


Stage 1 – Primary settlement 

  • Incoming wastewater enters the primary settlement stage where organic and inorganic matter settles
  • The sludge is held in this section until it requires de-sludging
  • A unique forward-feed arrangement uses an airlift to deposit wastewater into the biological treatment stage (biozone), which keeps peak flows from entering the system and prevents hydraulic surges

Stage 2 – Biological treatment

  • Settled liquor enters the biological section either by displacement or via the airlift
  • High-voidage plastic media, contained between two floors within the biozone, encourages the growth of bacteria and other organisms which treat the wastewater
  • Air required for the treatment process is delivered by air-blowers housed in a weatherproof kiosk
  • The air also helps to scour the media bed, preventing the filter from blocking
  • A series of diffusers installed beneath the media bed ensure an even distribution of air

The segmented biozone process chambers eliminate the risk of process short-cuts and mitigates risks associated with variable loads.

Stage 3 – Final settlement

  • The treated wastewater (final effluent) enters the final settlement section
  • Dead biomass (humus sludge) from the process settles out
  • An airlift automatically transfers settled humus sludge back to the primary settlement section for co-settlement
  • The final effluent is discharged through gravity displacement to either a watercourse or a sub-surface irrigation field 

Animal waste treatment

The HiPAF® package sewage treatment plant is most appropriate for commercial and domestic applications where the site is not connected to mains drainage and is well suited to complex requirements, such as the treatment of animal waste.

The WCSEE sand filter is designed to remove excess suspended solids (SS) and biological oxygen demand (BOD) from a packaged sewage treatment plant and meets stringent discharge consent standards above what is normally expected from a biological process or an industry standard clarifier.

The produced sludge can be aerobically digested using our Robust Aerobic Digestion System (RADS) - deemed less of a risk to dispose of. 

RADS is a cost efficient, low maintenance sludge treatment system which runs alongside the biological plant.

The HiPAF® with sand filter and RADS as a complimentary solution have been successfully installed at many animal centres such as kennels, catteries and stables. 

Read more about off mains drainage for animal shelters

310m ²/m³ neutral buoyancy media

Patented WCSEE Hybrid™ Biozone

WCSEE enhanced 310m ²/m³ neutral buoyancy (NB) plastic filter media is specifically designed for use with our patented Hybrid™ biological wastewater treatment process technology.

The NB Media supports the maximum surface area for the growth of bacteria in the filter bed whilst enabling the flow of water.

Media product highlights

Power consumption and footprint

  • Does not require a scour cycle

  • Up to 65% reduced power consumption with the use of blower timer(s)

  • Less media is required in the Hybrid-SAF reducing footprint 

310m ²/m³ absolute active surface area

  • High loading rates

  • Greater contact time with the effluent due to rotational flow

  • High protected surface for Biochemical Oxygen Demand , Nitrification and Denitrification

Greater protection - very slow media movement

  • Reduces abrasion associated with collision

  • Significantly reduces dead spots

  • Greater protection for exposed surfaces due to offset fins

  • Designed to be installed for the life span of the plant

310 Media




Standard and custom options

  • Hire

  • New build

  • Repurpose

  • Refurbishment

  • Media can be sold loose

Manufactured in the UK

Typical sector site applications

  • Animal waste options such as stables and kennels 
  • Agricultural growers and garden centres 
  • Caravan and camping, lodges and residential parks 
  • Custodial establishments 
  • Golf courses, fishing lodges and yacht clubs 
  • Hotels, restaurants and public houses 
  • Housing developments 
  • Motorway service stations 
  • Manufacturing – industrial trade effluent 
  • Care homes and retirement villages 
  • Commercial buildings and offices 
  • Schools, colleges and training centres 
  • Stately homes and large country estates 
  • Villages and rural communities 
  • Visitor centres 
  • Water utilities   
  • Zoos, theme parks and leisure attractions and leisure centres 

Our roots

WPL (which is now a part of WCS Environmental Engineering) has been at the forefront of wastewater treatment technology for over 30 years, with international experience of technical design, quality of manufacture and supply of environmental wastewater solutions.

WCS Group forms part of Marlowe’s grouping of water and air industry – UK leader in specialist services that ensure safety and regulatory compliance.

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