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Fyne ales case study - HiPAF system in ground

To treat the industrial wastewater at a microbrewery in North West Scotland, a below ground packaged wastewater treatment solution was specified to offer low visual impact and meet stringent discharge standards when providing off mains drainage.

Ondeo Industrial Solutions, were commissioned by Fyne Ales to deliver the turnkey design and build project for their brewery. Ondeo Industrial Solutions chose the bespoke configured HiPAF modular plant to work with their overall solution.

The challenge:

Due to the rural location and lack of nearby municipal works capacity, Fyne Ales has to treat its own brewery industrial wastewater so it can be safely discharged into the surrounding environment. Previously this process was via a septic tank, however due to expansion of the brewery, they required an upgrade.

The client’s brief was to ensure there would be minimal visual impact upon the beautiful surrounding location and view from the family home located nearby. This was essential to the requirement.

Other challenges included access to the installation site which was located down a very rural singular track road. The industrial solution also needed to take into account the highly fluctuating flows and loads during the industrial process.

The treatment plant had to be designed to manage the flows and loads parameters stated below to meet a SEPA effluent discharge standard of 40mg/l BOD, 50mg/l TSS, (no ammonia removal considered).

The solution:

Two tank HiPAF (SAF biozone) modular packaged treatment plant to Ondeo, to ensure there was sufficient biological capacity to treat the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) to the required SEPA standards.

The compact packaged design allowed for easy transportation to site and the below ground installation meant low visual impact on existing views of natural beauty.

The configured design of the HiPAF modular treatment plant consisted of a two tank system including Primary/SAF in tank 1 and SAF/Humus filter settlement in tank 2, duty Stand by blower  in an extra large kiosk.

Andrew Haywood, Utility Manager, said, “Ondeo chose our process solution to support their overall objective of the client’s brief, as We are regarded as a high specification supplier to the UK water utilities, with tried and tested below ground reference sites that suited the clients aspirations.”

The result:

The HiPAF (High Performance Aerated Filter) brand name references the unique hydraulic profile which works within the submerged aerated filter (SAF). The benefit gives a stable robust biomass growth during high or low flows meaning it offers higher treatment efficiencies over other similar solutions on the market.

This robust biological treatment process is backed by proven SAF technology based on 25 years empirical data offering treatment for carbonaceous removal, nitrification and de-nitrification (Total N) when strict standards are required.

Andrew Thomson, Project Design Engineer from Ondeo stated ‘The type of treatment the HiPAF unit provides was a key advantage over other competitors’ treatment solutions. The fixed film aerated SAF offered a robust solution to treat the fluctuating high strength BOD effluent.’


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