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High quality design and small footprint

The Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) water treatment process is a physical and chemical technology for the effective removal of biological solids from a wide range of wastewaters to maintain environmental compliance and reduce trade effluent charges. 

DAF systems are designed to reduce total suspended solids (TSS), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), and fats, oils and greases (FOG) from a wastewater stream. 

The highly refined DAF system mixes air and pressurised water, which forms micro-bubbles that adheres to flocs of suspended material coagulated by chemicals and creates a floating bed of sludge to be removed, leaving clean final discharge water. 


  • Industrial wastewater and trade effluent  
  • Utilities and municipal wastewater 
  • Hire, trial or capital purchase  
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Product highlights

  • Fully automated control system, reduces the need for manual operation

  • Flexible process that be can adjusted in-situ 

  • Easy to install compact design with a small footprint 

  • Energy efficient treatment of wastewater 

  • Chemical regime optimised for use with our technologies 

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Product highlights continued

  • White water system utilises a saturation vessel to negate the need for diffusers within the floatation tank 

  • Can be used for recovery and recycling of non-emulsified oils with no further treatment required 

  • Higher quality effluent discharged to sewer further reducing trade effluent charges

  • Sludge often suitable for Anerobic Digestion disposal route 


  • Stainless (304 or 316) plus reinforced plastic components reduce wear and corrosion  

  • Purpose build, adaptable flocculation system to allow ideal sampling, pH correction and dosing

  • Can be linked with Screening and Sludge Dewatering for even higher efficiency

  • Can be integrated with site SCADAR and BMS (building management systems) 

  • Multiple systems can be installed in parallel for higher or variable flows 

  • Multiple chemical injection and sampling points to site requirement 

  • Containerised or skid mounted for temporary solutions – trial and hire options  


WCS Environmental Engineering offers full commissioning and training to customers with annual service contracts

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Container DAF

Skid mounted DAF

Skid mounted DAF


Free Laboratory Test & Analysis Report

Specialist in wastewater and trade effluent solutions to help bring your site into consent.

How the process works

Efficient wastewater and process water treatment through flotation with micro bubbles

The system is a physical process enhanced with chemical dosing which operates on a simple design philosophy. Incoming effluent can be screened to increase solids and COD reduction.  
Adjustment of pH may also be necessary to ensure optimum operating conditions.  


DAF how the process works image



The effluent flows through the flocculator to be pH corrected and dosed with a coagulant and flocculant, entering the DAF cell and mixes with white-water (a combination of air and water mixed under pressure to form micro-bubbles.


As the white-water and effluent mix, the micro-bubbles attach to the colloidal matter and chemical flocculants within the effluent, and move together forming larger flocs that float to the DAF surface. 


The surface skimmer uses paddles to push the floating flocs (sludge) into the sludge hopper to be removed and sent to a separate sludge tank. The paddles have adjustable speeds or dwell times to reduce water entering the sludge hopper. 


As the flocs float, the solids free water is pushed down to the middle of the DAF cell, ready to be saturated back into white-water. This gives the DAF a constant supply of clean white-water without the expense of adding fresh potable water to the system. 


Where solids normally sink (sand, grit etc), they collect in the hopper and are removed via a manual or automated valve, dependent on the effluent.  


The final treated “clean” effluent discharges to either drain or for further treatment. 

Industrial application examples


  • Food and Beverage such as  

    • abattoir

    • diary

    • consumer food and beverage products  

    • raw agricultural goods 

  • Waste management and remediation services 

  • Personal care and cosmetics 

  • Pharmaceutical 

  • Aggregates and raw materials 

  • Chemicals manufacture  

  • Metal finishes, mining and quarrying 

  • Automotive 

  • Fish farms and livestock manure  

  • Machinery manufacturing and metal processing plants  

  • Paper mill and glass factories  

Case studies and contract wins

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