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Hypochlorous acid: The safe, powerful alternative to ...

In the search for cleaner, safer water systems, the water treatment industry is constantly on the lookout for more effective, sustainable solutions. ...

The critical need for radon testing: A wake-up call for ...

Feb 8, 2024| Air Quality
In a landmark case earlier last year, a private boarding school in Somerset faced a substantial fine for exposing pupils and staff to dangerously ...

Energy reduction for leisure centres; reducing costs in ...

Aug 30, 2023| Swimming Pools
Leisure centres operating swimming pools in the UK have had a tough time over the past three years. Battered by Covid-19 closures, chlorine ...

When and how to test for Legionella bacteria in water ...

Jun 27, 2023| Legionella Control
While Legionnaires' disease is a relatively rare disease, outbreaks and sporadic cases continue to occur worldwide. Outbreaks can occur in various ...

What is Legionella training and why do you need it?

Jun 20, 2023| Legionella Control
Legionella bacteria has the potential to cause serious harm to people’s health if not carefully controlled. When Legionella can grow and are sprayed ...

Water testing; what are you looking for and how often ...

Access to safe drinking and washing water within an office or commercial premise is something most of us take for granted. But it isn’t simply ...

What is a water flushing regime and why do you need one?

Duty holders are responsible for preventing and controlling the risk of exposure to Legionella bacteria, which can lead to the potentially fatal ...

How to choose a water treatment company

All businesses are responsible for ensuring the water in their buildings is clean and safe for occupants, whether used for drinking or in industrial ...

Breathe easy: why ventilation cleaning is vital for good ...

Without proper ventilation, buildings can be susceptible to stagnant air, making the indoor air more polluted than the air outside and impacting ...

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