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Catalytic Chlorine Dioxide generation - 29 April 2019

By: Jon Greaves on Apr 29, 2019

WCS Group has been appointed as service partner for DWW/ClO2IX® in the UK. All customers now have additional access to Catalytic Chlorine Dioxide plant options delivering high quality, safe chlorine dioxide generation.

Chlorine Dioxide

Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) is a well-known, effective oxidizer and biocide. It is an ideal disinfection solution for the control of Legionella and pathogens and is used widely for disinfection and secondary disinfection in hospitals, hotels, large commercial buildings, care home and in industrial applications.


Why isn't Chlorine Dioxide used more?

Put simply, it is hard to make and requires mixing concentrated chemicals and by using electricity. Once made, storage can be an issue. UV light, heat and time degrade and the dissolved gas does not want to stay in solution. In addition, these problems are more severe in concentration than they are in dilute solutions.


An altogether better solution

WCS Group can now bring to all UK customers a tried and tested Chlorine Dioxide generation plant solution delivering high quality, safe Chlorine Dioxide generation with an instant 700 PPM of 95% purity product, available at all volumes. In order to make Chlorine Dioxide, chlorous acid must first be formed. The ClO2IX® systems produce a solution of chlorous acid without residual Na+ by using cation exchange resin in the H+ form. This removes the Na+ from the sodium chlorite and replaces it with H+ to form pure chlorous acid.

Once the pure chlorous acid is formed, the reaction to Chlorine Dioxide can commence. By utilizing catalytic technology, the ClO2IX® systems convert virtually all (> 98.5%) of the chlorous acid to Chlorine Dioxide. This occurs instantaneously. The resultant dilute 700 mg/l Chlorine Dioxide product contains no chlorine and virtually no chlorite. Because of the ability for the ClO2IX® systems to dispense in a continuous rather than a batch process, the need for onsite storage of Chlorine Dioxide is removed.

 Catalytic Chlorine Dioxide diagram


James Greenwood, Sales Director of WCS Group commented; "We are delighted to be ClO2IX® partner in the UK. We see the addition of Catalytic Chlorine Dioxide Generation to be a significant benefit for many UK customers and site operators and would like to thank the ClO2IX® team for their support."


Benefits at a glance

  • Wide range of sizes available for every kind of application and volume
  • No ClO2 storage required
  • Dilute ClO2 produced that is inherently safe
  • Self-monitoring and self-correcting operation
  • Industry-proven reliability
  • Efficient conversion



  • Secondary disinfection
  • Cooling towers
  • Reverse osmosis
  • Chilled water loops
  • Greenhouses and agricultural applications
  • Buildings with critical applications - including healthcare and leisure


ClO2IX® is one important option for Chlorine Dioxide generation. To find out how it might suit your site, replace an aging ClO2 generator and for help navigating from 9kg/day, up to 90kg/day, get in touch.

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Topics: Water Treatment & Hygiene

Jon Greaves

Written by Jon Greaves

Jon has progressively worked through operational roles, account management, technical management, and senior management roles over the last 16 years within one of the group companies before moving into the role of Water and Air Managing Director. Jon has experience across multiple sectors of water and air compliance, including district energy networks; data centres; healthcare; food and beverage and facilities management. Jon acted as a corresponding steering committee member on CIBSE CP1 – Heat Networks Code of Practice for the UK released in 2020.

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